The web directory

Privacy Policy

General Information

We honor your right to privacy and the personal information that you provide on our website, remains confidential with us. The statement below describes the privacy practice that we follow at This privacy policy is however subject to change, as and when deemed necessary by us. Kindly check this section periodically for any updates or changes in our Privacy Policy.

The Personal Information of Users keeps your information, private and confidential. We only store your name and e-mail ids you provide in our online forms, in a safe offline computing setting. This data is never accessible online. We, by no means, trade your information to any third party nor disclose them to anybody, except when solicited by law enforcement authorities.

Non-personally Identifiable Information of Users

We record the IP addresses of users visiting our site and our cookies can identify return users. As like the personal information of users, we keep such data confidential with us.


Payments to are routed through PayPal, and the information provided by you regarding the payments for listing on our website, rests with PayPal Inc. We only receive confirmation data about payments, and no other information from them. Kindly go through privacy policy of PayPal for more details regarding storage of information made for payments.

Links to Other Sites

We do not ask website owners to mention in their websites. However, if any of the websites deems our website, a good resource and mentions the same, we welcome the citing.

Reply to e-mails

It is our endeavor to reply to the e-mails that we deem necessary of a response, be replied in less than 24 hours. We do store the series of e-mails, but do not deal them with any third party.

Exclusion of a Website

To help our directory become superior and more user friendly, we have included several websites amongst our various categories. We also invite suggestions from our users to recommend links for our different categories in lieu of a suggestion fee. If however, for any reason, the owners of the website do not want their website feature in our directory, we exclude the given website, with our without asking any questions.

Contact Us

If you have any query and concern regarding our privacy policy that has not been addressed here, please contact us.